The effectiveness of drug treatment and optic canal decompression surgery in the treatment of acute retrobulbar optic neuritis 药物与视神经管减压治疗急性球后视神经炎疗效观察
Conclusion Bmode ultrasonography is of great importance in the clinical diagnosis of retrobulbar neuritis. 结论B型超声对球后视神经炎的诊断具有重要的临床应用价值。
AIM: To determine the significance of VEP's examination for acute retrobulbar neuritis. 目的探讨视觉诱发电位检查在急性球后视神经炎早期诊断、治疗、判断预后中应用的意义。
Prediction of future scotoma on conventional automated static perimetry using frequency doubling technology perimetry A controlled study with static perimetry of different background illumination was done in 38 eases ( 60 eyes), with axis retrobulbar neuritis. 倍频视野计对传统自动静态视野计出现的暗点的预测性本文对28例60眼球后视神经炎,采用不同背景亮度的两种自动静态视野计进行了对比检测。
The Characteristic of Vernier Acuity on Retrobulbar Neuritis Patients 球后视神经炎的游标高敏视力特征
Characteristics of the pupillary light reflex in the patients with retrobulbar neuritis 球后视神经炎患者的瞳孔对光反射特征
Conclusions The latency of the pupillary light reflex delayes and the maximum amplitude decreases in patients with retrobulbar neuritis. 结论RON患眼的瞳孔对光反射反应潜伏期延长、最大反应幅度减小。
On Central Visual Field Defects with Different Background Illumination on Axis Retrobulbar Neuritis 球后视神经炎不同背景亮度中心视野损害的探讨
Objective To observe the characteristics of pupillary light reflex in the patients with retrobulbar neuritis, and to evaluate the effects of pupillary light reflex on the diagnosis and treatment of retrobulbar neuritis. 目的了解球后视神经炎(RON)患者的瞳孔对光反射特征,探讨瞳孔对光反射检查在RON诊断和治疗中的临床应用价值。